Suicide Prevention Resources
The following links are listed to provide you with additional online mental health care information. Please also check the additional links provided for physical health for a more comprehensive understanding of your over-all well-being. The following is not meant to be a comprehensive list, nor is it an endorsement of the content of the sites.
Postvention and Prevention
These are evidence-based guides created by national organizations categorized by type.
Removing Means
Means Matter Website– Guidance on the importance of removing firearms and other means someone might use to suicide
How to remove means when it’s a firearm in Virginia – This varies from state to state but this will offer a guide for other areas
Community/Individual Support:
Survivor Outreach Program – Peer to peer support in your community
AFSP Resources – For those who’ve lost someone to suicide
United Suicide Survivors International– An organization that serves as a home for people who have experienced suicide loss, suicide attempts and suicidal thoughts/feelings, and their friends and families — collectively known as people w/ lived experience with suicide – to leverage their expertise for large scale change
Alliance of Hope: For those who’ve lost someone to suicide
For Faith Leaders
For Workplace Prevention & Grief Support:
Make suicide prevention a health and safety priority at work (Guidelines for Workplaces)
A Manager’s Guide to Suicide Postvention in the Workplace– 10 Action Steps for Dealing with the Aftermath of a Suicide (From AAS- American Association of Suicidology).
For Schools:
Suicide Prevention: A Model Policy by the Trevor Project– This is a very concise and thorough school policy that covers, prevention, memorials, intervention, postvention. Trevor will even consult with school districts to modify it for their state and school district. A must to download.
After a Suicide, A Toolkit for Schools (pdf) A guide from AFSP for schools who have suffered a suicide of one of their students
Preventing Suicide: A ToolKit for Schools (pdf) SAMHSA
Memorials after Suicide: Guidelines for Schools & Families (pdf)
Memorials after Suicide: Guidelines for Schools & Families (article)
Suicide Conversations– (Podcast): “How to talk to kids about suicide” with Dan Reidenburg on Talk to Your Kids About Anything podcast with Dr. Robyn Silverman
Suicide Conversations-(Podcast): “How to talk to kids about Depression, Substance Abuse and Suicide,” with Anne Moss Rogers on Talk to Your Kids About Anything podcast with Dr. Robyn Silverman
After a School Suicide (article) Student project to work through their own grief and connect with the family. The stories you share about our beloved dead mean the most.
Scroll below for links to youth suicide prevention nonprofits, JED Foundation (teen and young adults) and Trevor Project (LGBTQ youth)
For Healthcare Providers:
ASQ suicide screening tool for ERs and Physician Practices (this tool takes twenty seconds)
For practices, these are some of the handouts used by other pediatricians/PCPs.